Review of Nepal Culture Week Intro

"Food is delicious!"

Here is Rosie’s review of the culture week, in preparation for her stray dog project in the beautiful Nepal! …

What did you accomplish in your program this week?

Getting to know more about the culture and city. Explored less touristy areas and prepared for volunteering program.

How was your coordinator? Did they provide you with enough accurate information about the project?

Fantastic! Everyone was so helpful with any questions or advice we needed. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming.

What did you enjoy or benefit from the most through your experience?

The hikes were really fun – amazing scenery and nice to be away from the busy city and off the beaten track for a while.

What didn’t you enjoy or benefit from through your experience?

It would have been nice to maybe have been shown around on the first day instead of find the placement ourself, but not an issue at all 😊

How was your food and accommodation?

Food is delicious! Just a little bigger than I normally eat. Accommodation was very comfortable, a little noisy at night but you get used to it very quickly.

Please add any comments or suggestions about your overall experience.

Thank you to everyone, it’s been great so far.

jan 2022 vollies by nepal temple

Intro week as a whole:

Really enjoyed it. Great way to ease people into the program and learn more before we start. Everyone is so lovely, it feels like we are part of the family 😊

How was your airport pickup?

Great. Very easy to find everyone. It was nice to see a bit of the city and have Rajesh explain some of the history along the way to the house.

How was the transportation?

Good, nice to experience the local culture/ customs with the bus.

How was the food and accommodation?

Food is fantastic! Very delicious and filling. Meal times were a good way to have a break and relax. Accommodation was also really good, very easy to commute to breakfast! The bathrooms were also really good. Just a little noisy at night but it’s ok.

How is your impression of the program? What has been offered? Please list in order of preference.

  1. Hiking – beautiful views, nice to be in the fresh air for a bit.
  2. Walking around Thamel and downtown Kathmandu – good to see where the local people go to market and compared to the more tourist areas.
  3. Language lessons – very helpful, we had great teachers!
  4. Cultural classes – very interesting to understand more
  5. Cooking class – nice to give Dai a break and learn new recipes that is easy to remember for home.
  6. Making a map of the area – would have been nice to be shown around as we got lost!

How were your coordinators?

Great! Always happy to answer questions or help bookings etc. Super friendling and approachable and welcoming.

On a scale of 1-6 please rate this week

5 😊

Find out more: Nepal Culture Week

Find out more: Nepal Stray dog program


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