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Remote Island Review – Fiji

It was such a beautiful experience. everybody on the island is so accommodating and welcomes you with open arms, it is difficult however to adjust to the different routines but so worth it! Comments on local team, food and accommodation Again, so accomodating, felt so supported the entire trip, always providing what was needed. Any improvements to help us be …

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Fiji Animals Review

I loved getting to know the locals and experiencing what it’s like in a shelter/clinic in Fiji. Comments on local team, food and accommodation Food was great. Great to try more traditional meals. -Paige   View this project!    

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Remote Island School Project Review from Fiji

One of the best things I’ve ever done! It was incredible to be involved in the school and spend time with all the children. Outside of school hours was able to spend lots of time with the locals and within the village, as well as exploring the island and surrounding islands. Comments on local team, food and accommodation All the …

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Fiji Nutrition Outreach & Kindy Program Reviews

Public health & nutrition project: I spent two weeks travelling around Fiji where I stayed in Lautoka, Suva, a village, and a resort – so lots of different accomodation styles. I was very lucky to have had such an amazing team to work with – they went from being a team of strangers, to becoming like a second family to …

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Fiji Public Health Outreach Review

We had a great team that worked very well together and supported each other. The experiences we had were amazing. It felt like a very worthwhile project where we were making a difference. We learnt that Fijians usually only seek medical assistance when something is going wrong. So the preventative checks that we were doing on blood pressure and blood …

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