A life without cause, is a life without effect

Life is short give back, live in the moment, cherish the journey, and do something inspirational.

Our Mission

IVI delivers positive social change to developing communities and vulnerable populations through local, national & international volunteering. Our projects empower the skilled & un-skilled to catalyse the efforts of local partners in creating a better world.

Who We Are

IVI is an Australian charity & non profit organisation founded in 1989 and is one of the pioneers of overseas volunteering. Back when there was no internet and phones were a luxury in many parts of the world, we traveled to developing countries in search of credible NGO’s in need of manpower and global volunteer resources. Some of the many relationships we forged are utilized to this day.

We are passionate about volunteering and giving back to society and in particular developing communities which are less fortunate than us. We combine travelling with volunteering to help people make a positive impact overseas.

About Us

Meet the glue that holds IVI together! Some important members of our team…

Tim B Cox - IVI Founder

Tim is the founder and lifetime passionate supporter of global volunteering. He provides an absolute wealth of knowledge and experience in international volunteering relations specialising in the provisions necessary to ensure volunteer safety and security while volunteering abroad. Now retired, Tim holds a position on the board and assists the operational team in an advisory and support capacity.

volunteer india placements with IVI

Brian - Director

Brian’s passion exists in local business sustainability through agriculture and community development. As an experienced international volunteer in developing countries, Brian utilises a masters degree in project management to develop new programs and oversee critical operations.

Lauren - Volunteer Manager

Lauren is completing her final year of a Masters of Psychotherapy, has graduated with a Post grad Cert in Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster and a Bachelor of Health Science. She has worked as a Clinical Nutritionist and Naturopath within Australia for the past 20 years and uses her expertise to set up health projects in developing communities. Her current passion and mission is to set up mental health projects to align with IVI’s nutrition and public health outreach teams, to deepen the ways to serve the communities.

Sam - Project Coordinator

Sam has solo travelled around the world and has several experiences of overseas volunteering. She writes about her travels in her blog Honest Explorer and has a passion for helping people find their own adventures. Sam helps run IVI's social media channels, newsletters, website, volunteer bookings and general admin.

Masi - Fiji Project Manager

Masi, along with his wife Mere, has been hosting volunteers and designing placements for over 20 years specialising in the South Pacific region. He has an in-depth understanding of the local needs and very strong relationships with various support and government agencies. Masi helps to structure unique and worthwhile placements which truly benefit the local communities, providing a rich, unique, and authentic experience for each and every volunteer.

Dhirendra - Bodhgaya, India Project Manager

Dhirendra brings unfailing energy, inspiration and experience with a vision to foster a bridge between rural India and the rest of the world. In addition to project management, he equips youth with life-sustainable skills and vocational training. He utilities the good work of international volunteers to help build inter-cultural awareness and foster new ways of thinking to benefit local communities. He runs several communication centres for local youth, enabling them to master communication skills needed to keep up with the advancing “changes” affecting a post-modern globalised world.

Jules Galloway - Nutrition Coordinator

Jules has a degree in Health Science and is a a qualified naturopath and functional medicine practitioner. She leads our Fiji public health outreach team of medical and nutrition volunteers four times per year to remote parts of Fiji to work on diabetes prevention projects.

Carrun Squires - Nutrition Coordinator

Carrun is a degree qualified Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist working in the area of cardiometabolic health. Several times a year she leads IVI's Fiji and Bali healthcare teams, performing health checks and nutrition education in remote villages in Bali and Fiji.

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News clip from Greece

*Gold Coast mum helping Syrian refugees. A Varsity Lakes mother is heading to Greece to help refugees forced to flee from the Syrian war. She’s leading a team of medical and nutrition experts. Posted by 7 News Gold Coast on Thursday, January 5, 2017

Affordable Volunteer Travel

As a non profit org, we are not motivated by shareholder profits. Our fee structure is fully transparent to ensure volunteer's hard earned money is going directly to the areas where it is most needed.

It is vitally important to us that the presence of volunteers has a positive and sustainable impact on the local communities we work with. Program fees start at $270 p/week and go straight to the in country management to cover arrival airport transfers, on the ground coordination, orientation, accommodation, meals, in country 24/7 project support, project development, donations and related administration costs. Our programs offer incredible value and life changing experiences.

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Open Mind, Open Heart

Growing up in the ‘western world’ our way of living, our values and belief systems may be vastly different to those from other cultures. As ambassadors from our country, it is our duty to ensure we are humble and open to alternative views and ways of thinking.

It is so important that volunteers respect the values and local cultural belief systems and go out of their way to integrate into their way of life instead of trying to impose their belief systems.

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Social Experiences

All of IVI’s projects have a strong social element at the core. With more manpower (& womanpower!) we can truly catalyse the efforts of our local partners. This means you’re sure to meet loads of like-minded people from all parts of the world. This type of experience truly broadens your understanding of the world and yourself, opening your heart to new enlightened ways of thinking . With your new found travel companions, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to explore and have fun!

Our projects create a unique platform to experience the true heart and soul of a destination rather than simply the tourist areas. We’ll involve you in meaningful & responsible volunteer work that really benefits the local communities.

Ready to Volunteer?

All set to start your once in a lifetime adventure? Head to our application page. 


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