Volunteer Reviews

Remote Island Review – Fiji

It was such a beautiful experience. everybody on the island is so accommodating and welcomes you with open arms, it is difficult however to adjust to the different routines but so worth it! Comments on local team, food and accommodation Again, so accomodating, felt so supported the entire trip, always providing what was needed. Any improvements to help us be …

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Fiji Animals Review

I loved getting to know the locals and experiencing what it’s like in a shelter/clinic in Fiji. Comments on local team, food and accommodation Food was great. Great to try more traditional meals. -Paige   View this project!    

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Remote Island School Project Review from Fiji

One of the best things I’ve ever done! It was incredible to be involved in the school and spend time with all the children. Outside of school hours was able to spend lots of time with the locals and within the village, as well as exploring the island and surrounding islands. Comments on local team, food and accommodation All the …

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Fiji Nutrition Outreach & Kindy Program Reviews

Public health & nutrition project: I spent two weeks travelling around Fiji where I stayed in Lautoka, Suva, a village, and a resort – so lots of different accomodation styles. I was very lucky to have had such an amazing team to work with – they went from being a team of strangers, to becoming like a second family to …

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Fiji Public Health Outreach Review

We had a great team that worked very well together and supported each other. The experiences we had were amazing. It felt like a very worthwhile project where we were making a difference. We learnt that Fijians usually only seek medical assistance when something is going wrong. So the preventative checks that we were doing on blood pressure and blood …

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Fiji Sigatoka Kindergarten Review

WOW! What an amazing experience. I travelled with one of my friends, and we volunteered together at Shepards Learning Centre for two weeks. My favourite moments were when we taught the kids new songs, rhymes, dances and yoga. The Fijian culture is beautiful and I will treasure it forever. Comments on local team, food and accommodation The staff were amazing! …

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Fiji health nutrition program review

Highlights from my volunteering was visiting Tonia village, witnessing a sevusevu ceremony, performing health checks on the locals and being fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to go to a home visit. The care and warmth of the Fijian people is something I’ll never forget! I’m so grateful to Masi, Mere and Carrun for looking after the team. Comments …

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Kindergarten Teaching Support in Fiji Review

My volunteering experience exceeded my expectations. It was so amazing and I highly recommend it to everyone. Being with the kids at the kindergarten was such a fun and rewarding experience where I learnt so much about the kids, Fijian culture and myself! I met some absolutely incredible humans through this experience who now have become lifelong friends who I …

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Fiji – Nutrition and Public Health Review

This experience was a unique one that I never thought I would experience. As a group, we bonded and gained great insight into the public health situation in Fiji. Through this process, we felt welcomed, making a tangible impact on the communities and witnessing health outcomes we otherwise may never have seen. Through the 4 days we spent in the …

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Fiji – nutrition project review

The nutrition project in Fiji was a very eye opening experience. It allowed me to learn more about Fiji as a nation and more about the ill-fated issues that affect a majority of their population, all while using my available skills to help out where possible. It was a great way for me to be exposed to more of the …

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Animal Volunteering in Fiji Review

It was an awesome time volunteering at Animals Fiji Nadi clinic. I learnt so many new skills and have seen a new perspective on the animal industry in a third world country. I loved being apart of both the shelter team and clinic and applying my own strengths to them as well as developing my weaknesses. My highlight was being …

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Animal Shelter Fiji Testimonial

The volunteering was amazing!! I really enjoyed my time in Fiji working with all the staff members at Animals Fiji, they were all amazing and made us feel so welcome. During the volunteering I spent time in the shelter working with the puppies, dogs and kittens, the tasks included health checks, cleaning, walking the animals, feeding, and giving medication. Within …

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Nutrition Outreach in Fiji Review

Beautiful people and scenery. Everyone we met was so lovely and we had such a good time. Extremely rewarding and we felt like we were applying our knowledge to help the community. Highlight – having the villages provide us local food. Comments on local team, food and accommodation Beautiful – Masi and Mari (and their extended family) were so incredibly …

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Animal Shelter Review in Fiji

Volunteering was excellent, I got to experience what it was like to be working with animals in Fiji. I had conversations with locals which gave me great insight into religious and cultural beliefs which impact animal control. Comments on local team, food and accommodation Being immersed in local culture was fantastic and gave an experience which I would not have …

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Fiji remote island teaching and orphanage review

My trip was absolutely amazing. It was definitely a hard adjustment at the start I must say, but so rewarding in the end. I made such strong connections with everyone I met, and formed lifelong memories. My whole perspective of the world is changed now, and I am so appreciative that I could experience this. I would 100% recommend this …

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Fiji Womens Commune & Kindy Review

Absolute highlight being able to share this experience with my friends. We were also shown an awesome waterfall by one of the residents which I will always remember! Comments on local team, food and accommodation Running water and food made by ‘mum’ every day. Really grateful for being looked after so well. Any improvements to help us be better? N/a …

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Women & Children’s Commune Review – Fiji

What a fantastic trip! It all came about when I didn’t get into an overseas program with University and knew I had to have some sort of learning experience whilst overseas. And what a great experience where I have learnt so much! Each day we would assist in the kindergarten from 8 till 12, then we’d spend time with the …

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Animal Shelter in Fiji Review of Project

Tell us as much as you can about your trip! Any highlights? What was the volunteering like? Looking after dogs, cats and puppies was my main task. Taking them for a walk and giving them lots of love is the best thing you can do. Some of them went through a lot so they needed you much more. Comments on …

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Remote Island Teaching Review

Volunteering on the island was the most life changing and incredible experience. From the moment I arrived on the island I felt welcomed and loved by ever person! I was lucky to teach in the kindergarten class, as well as go and visit other classes in the afternoons. Emerging myself in to every aspect of the island life has given …

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Kindy Teaching in Sigatoka Fiji Review

Outstanding Local Coordinators: Teva, Ranandi, Losana, GG: – friendly – helpful – efficient – well mannered – thoughtful, etc. Excellent cook Ani – great food; varied; sufficient; nutritous; well balanced. Accommodation comfortable, well located, clean. Persons at Rock Christian Academy were welcoming and super helpful. Memorable experience! Thank you. Any improvements to help us be better? Entrance gate lock arrangement …

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Children’s Home Support Review

Which country/s and project/s did you volunteer on? Fiji- orphanage in Nadi, Treasure House Tell us about your trip! Any highlights? Comments on local team, food and accommodation? The accomodation was great and really cool to stay with other volunteers. A real experience catching a bus with the locals and the orphanage mamas were friendly and great. Loved hanging with …

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Children’s Home Fiji Review

Tell us about your trip! Any highlights? Comments on local team, food and accommodation? The accomodation was great, host family kind, helpful and friendly. Food was great but the experience helping at the orphanage was incredible. Met some beautiful people an experience I won’t forget. The children were so special and the Mamas lovely. – Maddie View Orphanage/ Childrens Home …

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Public Health Outreach Review Fiji

Tell us about your trip! Any highlights? Comments on local team, food and accommodation? The number of health checks and location was sufficient enough to experience different sides of Fiji. Team was helpful and experienced. Any improvements to help us be better? I recommend having hotel works as well to balance the village lifestyle and provide more benefits. – Samantha …

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Fiji – Remote Island Teaching Project Review

Volunteering on this project was undoubtedly the most challenging but rewarding experience. I loved getting to know the kids and share some of my knowledge with them. We shared many laughs, songs, and stories together. The most memorable parts of the experience for me was immersing myself within the culture and staying with the host family. I enjoyed learning about …

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Ella’s Review of Teaching on a Remote Island in Fiji

My experience has been great so far me and Amelia have really enjoyed it being able to teach the kids art and English, play football with the students and even did swimming lessons for the kindergarten children in the sea. We definitely feel at home with the family here in Fiji too. We’ve been fishing Fiji style, swimming in the …

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Nutrition Project Review – Fiji

Highlights of the trip: Travelling with Carrun and just a small group of girls who were all amazing….going around the Mamanuca Islands and working in different communities each day was really cool. Comments on the team, food and accommodation: Epic team and i’d love to volunteer again with the same group of amazing girls if I could! Carrun was a …

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Remote Teaching in Fiji Review

Highlights of the trip: – The highlight of the trip for me where just the children and the people. Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel included into there community immediately. I became absolutely besotted with all the kids. My favourite part was after school hours playing rugby or soccer with them, or going for swims in the ocean. …

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Review of Nutrition Projects in Fiji

Thank you! I had the most amazing time, Fiji is absolutely beautiful and I loved experiencing the culture and doing the health checks! Also, what other places do you do the nutrition volunteering just so I know for future ? Highlights of the trip: The highlight for me was seeing how they really do live in Fiji and experiencing the …

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Review of Remote Island Teaching in Fiji!

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE TRIP: It was an absolutely amazing experience!!! Really authentic and sometimes challenging, but certainly very rewarding and unique. My Highlights of the trip were to become a part of the family and experience the village life on the island. It was really interesting and good to help at the school. Theres a lot to do and to …

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IVI Making progress in Fiji & Vanuatu!

Here’s IVI’s nutrition coordinator for Fiji talking about the work we are doing over there and the progress we have seen so far! Volunteers really can make the world of difference so please, enquire about our projects today! Watch the clip from this post here: Great health check results in Fiji Also watch more great resuts from our Vanuatu Nutrition …

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The Life of a Volunteer on Fiji’s Nutrition Projects

Following up from our previous posts about IVI’s nutrition projects in Fiji, Jules Galloway (IVI’s Fiji Nutrition Coordinator) explains more about where the volunteers stay over in Fiji. Listen to the podcast clip or read on! … FYI: You don’t have to be qualifed to take part in our nutrition projects, as long as you are a student of medicine, …

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About IVI’s Health Check Work with Fiji Housing Developments

Here’s another transcript from our Fiji Nutrition Coordinator, talking on a podcast about IVI Volunteers health check work over in Fiji. If you haven’t seen the previous blog posts, be sure to check those out, to find out more on the important work we are doing in Fiji. We have many public health & nutrition projects worldwide, perfect for aspiring …

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IVI Doing Health Checks in 5* Fiji Resorts

Here is a transcript of a podcast by IVI’s Fiji Nutrition Coordinator. Here, Jules Galloway speaks about the work we are doing in Fiji, including the health checks and education for staff working at the 5* resorts in Fiji! Read on for more… Download audio file We’ve been over to Fiji a couple of times and we had an opportunity …

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What’s Involved on our Nutrition Projects in Fiji?

IVI have public health & nutrition projects in several different countries. One of the most popular of those countires is Fiji. Here is a transcript from a podcast by Jules Galloway, our Fiji nutrition coordinator. She talks about what we get up to in Fiji and the sorts of things volunteers can help with. Our nutrition projects are well suited …

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We Attended Torrens Uni Open Day! For students interested in health courses

IVI team members Lauren and Sam attended the Torrens University Open day last weekend for those wanting to pursue a career in Health Sciences. That’s Nutrition, Naturopathy, Public Health and Nursing (and anything else related!). The day started off with everybody setting up their stalls and introducing ourselves to one another (plus grabbing the free food and barista made coffee …

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Nutrition in Fiji: Whats it like? A review by Marina

This is taken from a podcast, where our Nutrition Co-ordinator is interviewing one of IVI’s volunteers in Fiji.  Can you tell me a little bit about why you decided to come volunteering with IVI? “Yeah, well I was just looking in my break, I guess between Uni, to have a bit more experience, maybe abroad. I knew that in Australia …

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Review of Orphanage in Nadi, Fiji

Highlights of the trip: – Meeting all the children. In particular joining them at meals times and getting to know them. – I had collected 22.5kgs of craft supplies to take over for the children. We had craft sessions together where we let our imagination run wild and created all sorts! It was great to see the children being creative …

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Fiji Animal Shelter Review

Highlights of the trip: My trip to Fiji was, of course, an unforgettable experience. I enjoyed working at the animal shelter, and being able to use my experience in veterinary to help the shelter. My favorite week was when I was working at the shelter and they let me do an outreach clinic in RakiRaki for one week. At the …

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Fiji Teaching: Review by one of our mature volunteer’s

Highlights The highlights of the trip were of course the children. They are such happy children, keen to learn and I was really impressed with the generally neatness of their bookwork and their handwriting. The people there are so welcoming and accepting of people into their village. They showed great concern for me and my comfort and for my age …

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Teaching on Remote Fiji Island: Review by Pia

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to work and live on the island, I had an amazing time. Highlights of the trip: Living so close to the local people and spending all my time with them. I remember that one day where the kids showed me a secret beach. Another volunteer and around 20 kids, including my …

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Remote Island Teaching Review by Alex

I hope its not too long and words are hard to describe the feelings i have after this wonderful experience. Thank you again!! I would highly recommend to anyone! Highlights: The whole two- week trip was a highlight from me. From being picked up at the airport by Masi’s son to being driven to the Denaru by a family friend. …

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Fiji Public Health & Nutrition- Review by Ben

‘My time volunteering in Fiji with the IVI public health program was one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences of my life. It was a fulfilling experiences to help such beautiful people that are facing very serious but preventable health issues. The services, accommation etc. provided by IVI were far better than I could of ask for. The other …

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Remote Island Teaching: Fiji Review

Hi Lauren, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for organising this amazing experience. I had such a memorable time, I will never forget it. Would you recommend any other kinds of volunteering I could help out with. Fiji was incredible. Is Samoa similar? Anyway I’ll have a look but just wanted to say thanks. Masi was amazing …

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Fiji Nutrition & Public Health- Review by Ella

I had a great time! I am thankful for the trip 🙂 Returning to the Melbourne cold has been a bit of a freeze haha Here is my feedback! Highlights of the trip: The trip would not have been the same without the amazing pals I shared it with. Sharing this experience with them was bonding to the max haha. …

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Fiji Kindergarten Lautoka Volunteering Feedback

Hi Lauren,    Thank you so much for helping me with my volunteering adventure, I had a great experience! I have given some feedback below, hopefully you will find it helpful.    Fiji: Highlights: The highlight for me was the home stay option, being able to stay with a family and make a real connection was the best experience. I …

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Teaching English in Fiji

Highlights of the trip: Honestly my entire trip was a highlight. Being in the school compound fully immersed on a local remote island made everyday full of indescribable experiences that I will cherish forever. The kids constantly being around me and seeing their smiles every day was so amazing and it is such an incredibly beautiful island to live on. …

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Children’s Home Volunteering Feedback Fiji

Dear Lauren,   Thanks for your email! Please find my responses below.   Highlights of the trip: Unlike being on a typical holiday, I loved being immersed in Fijian culture by living and working with local people. It’s a really special way to get to know a place! I wasn’t sure how I would deal emotionally with volunteering at an …

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Remote Island Teaching in Fiji- Review by Megan

Highlights of the trip: Being greeted at the airport by our drivers, and our first night staying in Lautoka with Litea and her family – she went above and beyond to welcome us to Fiji and ensure that we felt comfortable in her home. She took us shopping and to church on Sunday before serving us lunch and making sure …

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Remote Fiji Construction Project Review by Chris

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity in helping out these beautiful people. I was blown away by the amount of aloha this little village possesses despite their living conditions. With their lack of running water and good food, I saw no one murmuring, angry, or depressed. Instead, I saw smiles all day and a lot of singing! It was life …

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Sigatoka, Fiji Primary School Teaching Review

It was an amazing opportunity that I will never forget. Will definitely be interested in doing some more volunteering in the near future. Highlights of the trip: Teaching the kids at Nokonoko District was very fulfilling. Learning more about the Fijian language and overall culture. Day trip to snorkel with sharks on Kuata Island (part of the Yasawa Islands). Meeting …

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Fiji Island Healthcare Testimony

Hi Lauren,   We had an amazing time. It was such a great experience.  It was so hard to leave the people. Highlights :  I worked with the village nurse for 3 days. We traveled by boat to neighbouring island and did home visits. We met so many people with high blood pressure on that island. I helped her do …

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Nutrition & Public Health 2019 Fiji

Oh so blessed to work with a bunch of likeminded legends to complete health checks on the local Fijian people over the past two weeks Involvement Volunteers International Our first week was spent in Lautoka with a beautiful host family. I’ll be forever grateful for their hospitality and support while staying in their home! From here we ventured to two …

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Feedback Primary School Teaching Suva

Hi Lauren! The past weeks have been so different to everything I’ve ever experienced. It has been so eye-opening and inspiring, suuper intense and at times very challenging (in a good way) My students really taught me so much and will always have a special place in my heart. I feel so thankful for all the beautiful people who wrote this …

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Fiji Kindergarten Teaching in Suva

Highlights of the trip: Meeting the other volunteers and going out with them. It was insanely fun staying in a house with other people and hanging out with the other volunteers on my free time. Comments on the team, food and accommodation: Food was very good. Team was always super friendly and accommodating in Suva. They really cared about me …

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Nutrition & Public Health 2019 Review

Hi Lauren, yes of course! Highlights of the trip: I love every second of it but if I have to choose my favourite ones would be the goat track from Nameka to Natuva village. It was one of the hardest thing I’ve ever done BUT seeing other volunteers ahead of me really motivated me to keep moving my feet through …

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Fiji Public Health & Nutrition- Review 2019

I had the most wonderful time in Fiji, thank you! Probably the greatest experience of my life so far 🙂 I was going to post this little spill up on my Facebook along with some more photos. Fiji ~ vinaka vakalevu for such an eye opening experience! I learnt so much in the little time I was here and my …

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Children’s Orphanage Fiji – Review

Highlights The highlight of the trip was meeting new people and living the Fijian life and not a tourist life. We used the public transport to get to the orphanage. It was a 20 minute walk to the bus station and another 40 minute ride. Our family organised a card for us to use. Bus tickets were only $2.78 one …

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English Teaching Review Sigatoka

Dear Lauren, I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity. I know I was hesitant to stay a week alone, but I am so so grateful I did. My time was life changing. The children taught me so much and gave me so much happiness. I just wanted to share some of these photos we took! Your program helped …

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Fiji Island Teaching Testimony

Hi Lauren, Apologies for the delayed response, returning to the chaos of work has made me realise how relaxed my holiday actually was. I have attached some photos of the kids, some of the amazing views and some from the school athletics carnival I helped with on the first Friday. Highlights of the trip – without a doubt, the people on …

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Fiji Nutrition & Health- Review by Valerie

The time spent in Fiji was for me a formative time. I’ve really appreciated to be back to the “island” community, with their smile and life philosophy, with a health purpose in mind. I’ve also met supportive and nice people in the team. I would love to be back in Fiji or Vanuatu when finances permitted. Could you also please …

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Remote Fiji Construction Review by Penelope

The 3 days spent volunteering and helping out was such a rewarding experience, honestly had such a great time and didn’t want to leave when it came to our final day. Will definitely be coming back at some point in the near future to help out again. Highlights of the trip: – Helping out with the construction of the new …

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Construction Project Fiji Review by Andrew

Thank you so much, it definitely was an amazing experience! Highlights of the trip: The biggest highlight of the trip for me was the actual volunteering, and helping rebuild the kindergarten. I thoroughly enjoyed getting hands on and I was quite proud of what we achieved in the short amount of time we hand there. Playing footing with the local …

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Fiji Construction & Womens Commune Review

Highlights of the trip: Some highlights of my trip to Fiji were meeting some of the community in Lautoka where we undertook the volunteer work. The look of joy and happiness on the kindergarten children, teachers and members of the woman’s community while we were working on the kindergarten made me appreciated that I had the chance to do something …

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Fiji Construction Project Review by Travis

Thank you for letting me be apart of this journey this really an unforgettable trip and was great to see our cultural differences, I’m really thankful to have experienced that week. Highlights of the trip: Participating multiple times for their Kava Ceremony as well as being accomodated in the Home stays. The family that took care of us were so …

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Fiji Public Health Outreach Paramedic Review

Hi Lauren, Im so glad i could help out as much as i could, it was a very rewarding experience, i learnt a lot! All the girls on my team were amazing! Highlights of the trip: My highlight has ro be getting to visit the village on Vio Island, meeting the locals and carrying out the health checks on probably …

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Fiji Nutrition & Public Health- Review by Holly

Hi Lauren, thank you so much for everything. I found it really hard to put into words what the experience truly meant for me- it was so powerful I’m kind of at a loss, but I hope this is ok x Holly’s Testimony IVI’s Nutrition and Health Program in Fiji has been such a special and truly unique experience that I feel …

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Public Health Outreach Fiji Blog – Gabriella

CHECK OUT GABRIELLA’S AMAZING NATURAL HEALTHCARE WEBSITE www.herbaceous.net.au Hello there! As you may know, I have recently returned from volunteering in Fiji. Firstly, I wanted to say a huge thank-you to everyone who donated to my crowdfunding campaign. Your generosity certainly helped me to achieve my goal of bringing healthcare to Fijians. I warmly invite you to brew yourself a cup of …

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Hospital Internship & Health Program Review

Hi Lauren, Just a short note to thank you for everything involved with our Fiji experience. It exceeded my expectations of how I would be affected by nursing and being involved deeply within the culture and lives of the Fijian families and many people I had the gift of meeting. Through much laughter, many tears and my endless questions, my …

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Review – Nutrition & Public Health Outreach Fiji

A long long way from home brought me into a new world for me full of… coconuts, pineapples, curries, wonderful and welcoming people, amazing volunteers from all over the world, inspirational and heart-breaking stories which opened my mind and completely changed my perspective of the world where money, time and complaint were on my day-to-day. Today I can say that …

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Fiji Islands Teaching Review

Dear Lauren, “Honestly, I’ve done lots of mission trips during these six years but this trip was the special one, the best one ever!” Thank you! I’m now back in Finland but terribly missing Fiji and my students. Can’t wait to come back for longer term next year!  It was my first time being a teacher in another country and …

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Island Teaching in Fiji Feedback

Hi Lauren! Sarika and I just wanted to say thank you so much for organizing such an amazing volunteering experience.  The remote island teaching was such an incredible way to get involved and help others. We truly could not have asked for a better experience. We will definitely volunteer through IVI again! Oh yes I was definitely looking forward to the …

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Fiji Nutrition Program Review

Hi Lauren, Thank-you so much for your kind words and organizing this project along with Masi, Mare and Jules.  These two weeks have been an unforgettable experience and I wish I was still in Fiji!  As requested, please see below my comments. Highlights of the trip: The overall culture in Fiji: It was incredible to see how humble and community …

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Island Teaching in Fiji Review

  Highlights of the trip: Flip and I did not realise how AMAZING this experience would be! We formed such close bonds with all the teachers and students and they seriously felt like family by the end of the week. We will 100% return. They are such happy, positive, fun people to be around and we learnt just as much …

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Fiji has highest death rate from diabetes in the world

HOW CAN YOU HELP? FIJI NUTRITION & PUBLIC HEALTH PROJECT   More alarming data about the NCD crisis in Fiji is now emerging with the World Life Expectancy ranking on diabetes placing Fiji number one once again in the number of deaths caused by diabetes.  LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE According to the World Life Expectancy ranking on diabetes, Fiji has the …

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Nursing & Public Health Program Fiji Review

Hi Lauren! Sorry for the late response, we were on the go very day! I loved our experience in Fiji for so many reasons, especially the people we got to know. Highlights of the trip: As a nurse, the most challenging but also interesting parts were the health checks in the Commune and the hospital experience. The commune because I felt needed and people …

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Medical Hospital Nursing & Public Health Outreach Fiji Review

Hello Lauren, Highlights of the trip: Volunteering in Fiji was an incredible and unforgettable experience. Each one of the projects allowed us to learn and understand a bit more about the community where we worked. As a nurse, I have to say that the most amazing experience was at Lautoka Hospital during the last 4 weeks (where we spent 2 …

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Teaching in Fiji on remote island

Hi Lauren, Sorry for the delay – I spent a few extra days exploring Fiji so I just got back a few days ago.  Please see response below: Highlights of the trip: I know it’s cliche but the kids at the School truly were the highlight.  They were kind, respectful, and so full of love.  I felt welcome the moment …

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Nutrition & Public Health Fiji Blog – 2018

Disclosure: This is stupid long. Hands down the longest post I’ve ever made. So grab a coffee, a blanket, and enjoy ? LINK TO FIJI NUTRITION & PUBLIC HEALTH PROJECT To say I learned a lot in my two weeks in Fiji is an understatement. It opened my eyes to a whole new world. A world of “Fiji time” and coconuts. …

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Fiji Children’s Home Volunteer Review 2017

Dear Lauren It is a perfect journey. I book the volunteer activity which is my first volunteer experience. Highlights of the trip: I worked in the childrens home, a orphanage in nadi, with other 3 volunteers. At that time, it is the school holiday and 20 kids stay here all day. They are very cute and happy every day. Nearly …

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Veterinary Care Volunteer Review Fiji

Highlights of the trip: I had a great experience at the animal shelter making new friends and seeing cases in the veterinary clinic i wouldn’t experience back in England which were very interesting (in particular the postmortems). I enjoyed spending time especially with the abandoned dogs, giving medication etc and helping them be re-homed to live a new better life.  …

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Woman & Children’s Commune Experience Fiji

Hi Lauren, I’ve finally been able to put all of my thoughts and scribbled notes about my trip into an actual email! Sorry it’s taken a bit longer than expected but it’s taken some time to adjust. Thank you again for such an incredible opportunity. My trip to Fiji has been life changing. I’m sure Jules has filled you in …

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Animal Shelter Vet Nurse Fiji

Highlights of the trip: Overall my trip was amazing! I learned a lot at the animal shelter and was able to help with many different procedures. I enhanced my vet skills while learning new techniques from other vets. I loved that I worked with many volunteers (vets and vet students) from all over the world! Everyone was super welcoming, friendly …

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Special Needs Support Program Fiji

Highlights of the trip: Spending time with my host family, getting to know the staff outside of volunteering, and working with the children at the school site. Comments on the team, food and accommodation:  Everything went well. Everyone was eager to make me feel welcome and to assist in any needs as they developed.  Any improvements to help us be …

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Woman & Children’s Commune – Group Placement Fiji

Dear Lauren, Sorry about the belated reply. I’ve been very busy with lots of reports to write after I got back. Highlights of the trip: Home stay – It was terrific! Our family were very welcoming and catered a lot to our needs during our stay there. We had an amazing start of the trip with them briefing us through …

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Ten Minutes – My experience as a Naturopath in Fiji

August 16, 2017 by Jessica Trethowan “Oh wow, we have the same birthday” I said gently, sitting cross legged on the floor opposite a woman of my exact age, her name was Kaliti. She smiled weakly. She had been pleased to see me but there was an unbelievable sadness to her that made me want to talk softly and slowly so as …

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Review – Nutrition & Public Health Program Fiji

| BULA! | Have you wondered why I’ve been so quiet of late??? I have recently returned from an amazing experience volunteering in Fiji. Having wanted to volunteer since my teens, I had the unique opportunity of combining my passion for helping others with my wealth of experience in nutritional medicine and diabetes education to assist in encouraging the local …

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Children’s Home Volunteer Review Fiji 2017

Highlights of the trip: The highlights of my trip was by far my host family. They were so welcoming and made being away from home that much easier. The other IVI volunteers I had the opportunity to meet was pretty cool as well. I went to the hot springs with a girl from Ireland and two from Australia. It was …

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Orphanage Volunteering Fiji 2017

Hi Lauren, This is from Brian and I as we both have very similar thoughts on our experience Highlights of the trip:  The highlights of our trip was getting to know the workers and the children at the orphanage, we both felt privileged to be welcomed into their home and learn about their lives. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, …

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Island Construction Review Fiji – 2017

  Hi Lauren, I had an amazing experience in Fiji! Highlights: -living with my host family, it was an amazing experience -the island!, it was such a cool experience and the views were amazing -being able to make a difference in the village Team,food, accomodation: -as for the team who helped me through the application process, they were amazing, and …

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Children’s Home Placement Review Fiji

Hi Lauren, I’m so sorry that I’m replying so late to your email. I had my exams at school and I’ve been so caught up that I never replied! Here’s my feedback: Highlights of the trip: Firstly, one highlight of the trip would be the orphanage itself. For the one week that I was there, I assisted with things such as administration, …

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Kindergarten Teaching in Suva, Fiji

It was a very busy first week in the kindergarten with parents and quest speakers in the classroom everyday so there wasn’t much for the volunteers to do with the kids, but was still lovely to be back there. By far my favourite part of the trip was the village tutoring in the afternoons. I had a small group of …

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Public Health Program Fiji Review 2016

VOLUNTEER NUTRITION AND PUBLIC HEALTH, FIJI “From the moment you arrive in Fiji you will be struck by the natural beauty of the islands but equally moved by the genuine and kind-hearted Fijian people”…. these were the first couple of lines in my tourist guide and before landing I didn’t fully understand the meaning of these words. Today, after the …

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Fiji Road Trip Review – 2016

My time in Fiji was an absolute blast, and something that I will always cherish and remember! Taking part in the road trip was a fantastic program as I got to experience a lot; living like the locals in different villages, volunteering, going on adventures with new friends on the weekends, playing rugby, hanging with the locals and drinking kava, …

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Cyclone Disaster Relief Fiji – Did I Help? – 2016

Did I Help? SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 / ETHEISLANDENTHUSIAST / 1 COMMENT I cannot believe I’ve been away for over nine weeks now. As my term in Fiji came to a close, I couldn’t help but stop to reflect on a few things… For those who didn’t know, the primary purpose of my trip to Fiji was to assist those affected by Cyclone …

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Cyclone Winston Rebuilding Testimonial Fiji – 2016

Hi Lauren, thanks for this. Masi, Junior and Mary and everyone have been lovely. We have been at the two schools and got the computers up and running. The kids could use them at Teidamu today, but Raviravi still doesn’t have power. Last week we were working with John building computer desks. As promised, here are the two posts I …

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Childcare Placement Testimonial Fiji – 2016

Hi Lauren! Hope your well! I’m so sorry I’m only just emailing back! I will forward you some photos over now! I haven’t been through my go pro yet so may have more! I honestly could never have imagined how humbling and heart warming my Fiji experience would have been!  I have never met a more welcoming and friendly community …

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Fiji Health Clinic Review

Hi Lauren, sorry for the late reply. Back to normal life and work/study life is full on 🙂 I really enjoyed my experience over in Fiji. Masi certainly did a great job. There wasn’t a particular highlight but was great being accepted and appreciated in the different settings I volunteered, meeting new people and leaving an impact. The family home …

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Primary School Teaching Suva Review – 2016

Bula, Lauren! The trip to Fiji was really amazing and rewarding! Highly recommended to people of all ages!! Thank you for offering me such a wondering experience of a lifetime. The whole arrangement by IVI was perfectly smooth and we were well-informed of the dos and don’ts before the journey started. Special thanks to you as you are very helpful …

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Remote Island Teaching Program Testimonial Fiji – 2016

  Last week was one of the best weeks of my life, ever ……. it was hard, hot, uncomfortable and a bit challenging at times but incredibly rewarding. What an amazing school. We have come back with a very long list of very much needed items, so if you feel compelled to help out after seeing these photos please PM …

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Island Teaching with IVI Fiji Review – 2016

Hello dear thank you so much for the certificate and the program that you motivated me to attend. The remote island definitely has changed my life. There might be some brazilians contacting you in the next months (I hope so) Sorry for the late response, I came back to Brazil from Fiji after one year travelling and met a sad …

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Teaching in Fiji Islands Review IVI – 2016

Hi Lauren, I just wanted to say a big thank you to you both for all the organizing you did to ensure that I enjoyed my time volunteering in Fiji. Sadly I’ve been back at work this week and it really makes you miss living so relaxed on Fiji time. Melbourne’s weather is definitely no match as well. I thoroughly …

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Public health & physiotherapy outreach project Fiji 2016

Bula Lauren! First and foremost, we would just like to say a huge ‘Vinaka vakalevu’ to you and the whole team at IVI for our time in this most, beautiful country. Thanks for all your hard work in organizing our placements, tie-ing up all the loose ends and being so patient, cheerful and accommodating in everything that you do! We …

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Cyclone Disaster Relief Fiji Review – 2016

  Massive thanks to  Nick, Jasmine, Kenny, Katie Koster Ros, Rachel, Tim and Toby for donating to Fijian families like these. A family of 9 lives in this small tin shed, which lost most of its roof from cyclone Winston. Some how they are all still smiling. Tara, South Australia, March 2016    

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First Aid Relief Fiji Review – 2016

  Thomas Hinterdorfer Extreme Weather Chaser Fiji 2016 As this is posted, I’ll be mid air between Nadi and Brisbane. I could post 1000 photos to describe my trip but there are only a few that do it justice. What I’m leaving behind is hard. This has changed my life. • The estimated recovery time is expected between 18 and …

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Review – Cyclone Rebuilding Relief Fiji – 2016

  Hi Lauren, It was an amazing experience, thank you for the opportunity! My host family were lovely people and their food was awesome! Masi is a bloody rippa bloke! Very professional, well organized, well respected by the people who know him and his family can cook up a mean feast! Knowing what the Fijian people are like, I knew …

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Sad Good-Bye – Host Family Fiji 2016

  It’s time to say good-bye to Fiji!  Thank-you so much to my Fijian family for looking after me!  This place will forever have a place in my heart!  An amazing country filled with amazing people! After four weeks of volunteering at an orphanage and after enduring the worst cyclone Fiji’s history.   Seeing all the devastation, I have realized …

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Physiotherapy, Public Health & Nutrition Review – Fiji 2016

First and foremost, we would just like to say a huge ‘Vinaka vakalevu’ to you and the whole team at IVI for our time in this most, beautiful country. Thanks for all your hard work in organising our placements, tie-ing up all the loose ends and being so patient, cheerful and accommodating in everything that you do! We really felt …

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Nutrition & Public Health Fiji

Feedback and summary of my Volunteering Experience in Fiji   From the moment we arrived to Fiji we were greeted with smiling faces and welcomed into our home stay family.   At the Health Centre we were very grateful for all the time the staff spent orientating us to the Fijian culture and food practices. The centre does some amazing …

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Nutrition, Dietetics & Public Health Program – Fiji 2016

Hi Lauren, Thanks for checking up. I am having a wonderful time! The clinic is definitely different from what I am used to but it is going to be a great experience, culturally and professionally! The health team are very welcoming and I have really enjoyed outreach. I accompanied a nurse to a local family home for a health check …

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Mum & Daughter Volunteering – Orphanage Fiji 2016

To say we thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Fiji would be an understatement. We had the pleasure of staying with Masi and Mare.  Their welcoming nature and willingness to go ‘beyond the call of duty’ was amazing. From the time we walked in the door until the time we left, we felt completely comfortable and at home in their presence. …

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Teaching on Fiji Islands Review – 2015

  The program was exactly what I expected. I got to experience genuine village life, away from all the luxuries back here. I definitely enjoyed the daily view of the beach at school! The host family were so accommodating, the teachers were so friendly and the children were absolutely adorable! Masi was a big help, especially with getting tickets back …

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Orphanage Placement Review Fiji – 2015

  Hello Lauren, hello Brian, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to volunteer in Fiji. Volunteering in the orphanage taught me a lot of new things and gave me an unforgettable experience, also changed the way I look at things, in a way. Besides, Masi and Mary were very welcoming and made …

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Special Needs School Review Fiji – 2015

In my one month stay in Fiji I spent time in both the orphanage in Nadi and the school in Lautoka. Both places make you feel so at home and the children love having you around. I loved living with the wonderful Fijian host families that make you feel part of their family. Being a volunteer with IVI allows you to …

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Special Needs Fiji Placement Review – 2015

  Hi Lauren! I loved volunteering, the children at the school were so welcoming and happy all the time. I was placed in the junior class, which was quite a challenge as they were often misbehaving, but of course it was so rewarding helping them. I especially liked the teacher, Mrs. Chand, who was so friendly, and she would always …

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Animal Shelter Review Fiji – 2015

I am so sorry I’ve been so busy and haven’t had a chance to message you! Fiji was incredible I have nothing negative to say about it, my family was amazing and the animal shelter is a great place to volunteer at with great people! Alex, Australia (12 weeks 2015)    

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Orphanage Fiji Testimony – 2015

Hey Brian! Had an unreal time! Really, could not have gone better! The host family I was set up with did an amazing job. I was treated as one of their own and felt like I was their son. The whole family really went outside the requirements. I even got to attend some of their traditional events. The orphanage was …

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Childcare Placement Fiji Review – 2015

Hi Lauren! I’ve been meaning to email you lately and just haven’t gotten around to it. It was amazing! We felt so welcomed and were made to feel at home as soon as we arrived. My host family was so kind and generous to us our entire stay. Working at the orphanage was an absolute privilege and an unforgettable experience! …

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Volunteering in an Orphanage Fiji Review – 2015

Fiji was amazing!! I really loved the entire trip. IVI made the trip very smooth and I always felt safe and comfortable which I think is very important for volunteers particularly in third world countries. So thank you for everything you have done and organised for Rhianna and I. Masi and Mare were lovely hosts and I would be eager …

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Nutrition, Dietetics & Public Health Program – Fiji 2016

Overall, the nutrition project in Fiji was a great experience! It was hands on from the get go, I worked alongside the Ministry of Health with the local health team made up of the nurses and a Dietitian. It was fantastic exposure and a……. great learning experience. It suited my dietetic background as a masters student and will really benefit …

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Childrens House Fiji Review 2015

Thanks for a great experience! I would definitely come back and also look at more of the other programs that IVI provides 🙂 Our home stay was fun too since we got to meet other volunteers and make new friends. I looked forward to dinner every night because Masi’s wife was such a good cook. All the children are unique …

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Fiji Orphanage Placement Review 2014

My experience with IVI was the best of my life!  As a young 16 year old girl wanting to volunteer at a children’s home in Fiji for the summer, things had to be planned out perfectly so my parents could let me go!   But the IVI organisation was impeccable….. and looking back, I really couldn’t have done it without them. They …

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Dietetics & HealthCare Review – Fiji 2014

My time in Fiji was so good! I learnt more than I could have hoped for, and the experiences I had will be so beneficial for me in the long run. I was very lucky with the program and have to give a big thanks as I know it was difficult at times to make sure there was enough work …

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Orphanage Fiji Testimony – 2014

  Volunteering at an orphanage in Nadi, Fiji was amazing! I was so inspired by the kids at the orphanage and the ladies who take care of them! I thought it would be kind of sad, but the kids seem really happy, and…..  I am so glad that there is a place like this, and such dedicated and loving people …

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A day in the life of an IVI volunteer in Fiji

At typical day in the life of an IVI Volunteer in Fiji. 7am – get up, have a cold shower and eat breakfast. Family usually eats weatbix or mum cooks porridge….. 7:45 – walk 20 mins to town to catch the minibus. On the way I often buy the Fiji Times to read on the bus. Streets are full of …

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Childrens House Placement Review

Well, I have now worked for one week at the Library and have been very busy with designing promotional material for story time. If we are successful and we have children attending, we’ll be the very first library in Fiji with Story time!!! What an honour for me to be the first person to undertake it….. Hopefully there is a Kindergarten class …

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