Remote Teaching in Fiji Review

"Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel included into there community immediately."

Highlights of the trip:
– The highlight of the trip for me where just the children and the people. Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel included into there community immediately. I became absolutely besotted with all the kids. My favourite part was after school hours playing rugby or soccer with them, or going for swims in the ocean. On weekends some of the little children from the village would come to our house and wake us up with big hugs and giggles in the morning.
– On the last night of our stay we caught a boat to Monuriki Island with some of the teachers and their kids. We camped under a hut that some of the islanders had made and had the most amazing time.

Comments on the team, food and accommodation:
– My friend and I stayed in the same room at one of the teacher’s house. The room was fairly big and it was nice having a little space to ourselves
– Our food whilst over their consisted of mainly rice, kasava and two minuet noodles. The teachers made it delicious but by the end I was craving fresh food.

Any improvements to help us be better:– On the fist day volunteering at the school the year five teacher was not there due to family reason so my friend and I were asked to take the class for the day. We were not told how to teach them or what lesions to do and we struggled. It would have been incredible to have a bit of support when it came to teaching and have structured lesion plans.


Remote Island Project: Fiji

children blowing kisses at camera children at desks

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