Sports Coaching Ghana

WHY we need you in Ghana


HOW can you help?

WHAT you can do?

Why Involvement Volunteers International?







  MIN AGE: 16+



Ghanaian children have a love for sports! The most popular sport is probably football, but most kids just love anything that gets them running and jumping and has a competitive element. If you love sports as much as the kids here do, then we need you in Ghana!

Share your knowledge and skills about how each game is played and inspire the children to learn more and to increase abilities within the sport. There are plenty of opportunities here, you can increase their skills at a sport they already play or introduce them to a totally new sport! Feel free to bring any sort of equipment or teaching aids with you, this can help greatly with your coaching experience, as equipment can be limited in some projects.

Sports coaching you can teach:

Football– U12, U14 and U17 are where most of coaching options are at local schools, academies and after school clubs. You may be required to coach twice each day and occasionally assist at weekend matches.

Boxing– Local boxing athletes have made this sport popular in the area. Share your knowledge of the sport with the next generation of up and coming boxers, at local boxing gyms in Accra district. Coaching sessions are mostly taught in the afternoons which leaves your mornings free.

Golf- Assist young players (8-17) with learning new skills and developing their golfing abilities. You will either teach at a local golf club or at a nearby school. Skilled coaches could even have the chance to provide classes at other golf club locations in Ghana and try out the different courses too.

Tennis- Tennis is emerging as a sport in Ghana, so your role will be to teach the basics and coaching will not be at a higher level. If you do have the background skills, you might be placed among national youth squads. The main aim is to get the kids excited and involved in the sport.

Hockey- Hockey is becoming increasingly popular here and is being played in many local schools. Your project may even give you the opportunity to train with some of the best in the region, as you could coach youth in the U12 and U14 age groups.

Rugby- Work with a local Rugby club and schools in the surrounding area and guide the community kids to take their game to the next level. As not much is known of the sport here, you will be required to teach the basic rules and strategies.

Basketball- Teach kids and teenagers dribbling, offense, defence, jump shots and team work skill to local youth who are eager to learn this sport. Your knowledge of the sport will help young athletes in the local community to improve their game and train them to be stronger and inspired. Talk and share knowledge with local coaches at organised competitive events.

Netball- This is coaching project will start with the basics, as not much is known of the sport and it is not widely played. However, students are eager to learn, so we could use your help in teaching the basic rules of the game. You can get creative to use what is available to establish the field and then inspire the students to learn more about the sport. You may even have a chance to organise training classes and matches for students in schools (ages 10-16), so that they can improve their passing and shooting skills.

Martial Arts– This is a great sport that teaches discipline and respect. Guide the students into the best practices, teaching them sparring, patterns, kicking, punching, self-defence moves, fitness routines, groundwork, linework and stretching, under your direction. Depending on your skill level, teach small to large groups of local youths.

Athletics- You will coach local children and teens in and around the capital of Accra. The project is at local clubs and schools, where you will help with speed, stamina, strength and skill. Many of them have dreams of representing their country at the Olympics one day- and you can inspire them to do so!

Swimming- This is a special project and a great chance to give valuable lessons to children who not do not usually have the chance for swimming lessons. You can teach on water safety and swimming basics, to help small groups of boys to improve their ability and to be confident in the water.

*Please be advised that you will be responsible for your daily transportation costs to and from your program. This could range from 2.50 to 4.40 USD each day.

*Schedules could vary depending upon the program you will be coaching on. Expect to spend 3 or more hours each day coaching. There may also be matches on the weekends when your team is playing or other events that you may wish to attend. 

During school holidays, you will will work on school holiday workshops that are organised by the local school directors.    

Note that School Holidays are:
-Mid April to early May
-All of August  to early September
-Late December to mid January


Accra is the capital and largest city in Ghana, with a population of over two million. Accra stretches along the Ghanaian Atlantic coast and extends north. Our accommodation is located in Teshie, a coastal suburban town on the east side of Accra. It is a quickly growing suburb that’s getting bigger and bigger every day. Teshie is rich in its diversity and has its own train station for easy transport.

Project Tasks

  • Teach rules, strategies and inspire young students
  • Create cultural exchange opportunities through communication with locals
  • Develop your teaching skills, gain practical experience and develop as a coach

Food & Accommodation

Your accommodation in Ghana is situated at our volunteer centre in Accra. The accommodation is located within a gated community. Rooms are generally dorm rooms, with separate bedrooms for male and female. Volunteer projects are situated around 20 to 40 minutes away and you will be responsible for your own transportation costs to and from the project. Staff will be on site at the accommodation 7 days a week to assist with anything you need.

Your accommodation is close by any amenities you need, the closest shops are within a 15-20-minute walk. ATM machine is 15 minutes away by taxi. Restaurants and bars are a 20-minute taxi ride away.

Your meals will be Ghanaian dishes mixed with Western style food, served at your accommodation. Typical Ghanaian food include rice dishes, beans, fruits, vegetables, chicken, beef and fish. They are typically stews and soups.

All prices in USD
  • 1 Week - $440
  • 2 Weeks - $440
  • 3 Weeks - $675
  • 1 Month - $885
  • 2 Months - $1790
  • 3 Months - $2890
Vol House
What's Included
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Airport Pickup
  • Local Transportation
  • 1 Day Orientation
  • 24/7 In-Country Support
  • Project Materials & Equipment
  • Pre-departure Expert Advice
  • Preperation Tools & Checklists
  • Certificate of Completion


If you have a passion for working with children and young people then you will be a great fit for this project. This project is well suited to those who love sports and have high energy and ability to motivate and work well with others. We love people who are enthusiastic about sport and who wish to teach and inspire the local community here. 

  • Accommodation
  • 3 meals p/day weekdays / 2 meals p/day weekends
  • Arrival airport transfer (Sat/Sun arrivals)
  • Filtered drinking water, coffee & tea
  • 1 day orientation
  • In country 24/7 support & emergency assistance
  • Fundraising support
  • University course credits (where applicable)
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Airfares
  • Travel Insurance
  • Daily transportation to/from project (approx US$4 p/day)
  • Tours, Souvenirs & spending money

On the Monday of your first week, you will join our orientation day. This is a great opportunity to become familiarised with your surroundings, as well as facts about the local culture. Your project will continue as usual from Tuesday and throughout the week.


  • Introduction meeting, House rules, Setting Expectations, Health and Safety Advice and handling of documents.
  • Ghanaian Do’s and Don’ts, Ghanaian Culture Lessons and Language Lessons.
  • Tour around the local area
  • Drive into Accra to visit the museum and craft market, Independence Square and Oxford street.
  • Visit local shops and amenities.
  • Lunch
  • Meet some of our academy athletes at our training centre, be introduced to a local school and help with the after school programme or visit some of the children we support in the local community.

Programs begin every Monday, and volunteers are required to arrive the day prior, for orientation before the project. Your accommodation on the Sunday is included in the program fees.

A free airport pickup is included when arriving to Kotaka International Airport (ACC). You must arrive between the hours 06:00 – 24:00 on Saturday or Sunday. If arriving during the pickup times on the Saturday, we charge an additional fee for the extra night’s accommodation.

If arriving outside the pickup times, we charge an additional fee for any extra night’s accommodation and for a private transfer.

Alternatively, if arriving early you could wait at the arrival’s terminal for the pickup time, book accommodation at the airport and meet us during the pickup times or make your own way to the project (we will advise on how to do this).

From the airport to the Accra accommodation it takes 30 minutes by car.   


  • Breakfast
  • Orientation / Introduction
  • Lunch
  • Orientation / Introduction
  • Dinner

Tuesday to Friday

  • Breakfast
  • Coaching
  • Lunch
  • Coaching
  • Dinner

This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances.

There are plenty of things to do on your days off- here are just a few!

Cape Coast

Cape Coast in Ghana has a colonial history, being the site at which many slaves were shipped over to the America’s. Michelle Obama is believed to have roots traced back here and herself and Barak Obama unveiled a plaque in their visit in 2009. Cape Cost is a fishing town, with a fort to look around and with an artsy vibe in the town centre. Many travellers use this location as a base to travel on to Kakum National Park.

Kakum National Park

Kakum National Park is a coastal rainforest covering an area of 357 kilometres. There are 40 species of monkey, 200 bird species and over 500 species of butterflies. The park is one of the most visited attractions in Ghana, with spectacular scenery and canopy walk for visitors.

Lake Volta

Lake Volta is a picturesque man-made lake, just North from Accra. The building of the Akosombo Dam resulted in lake Volta being formed. You can take a boat tour across the lake or even try kayaking over it.

Elmina Castle

Elmina Castle is situated in the Cape Coast region of Ghana and it has a dark past. During the height of the slave trade around 30,00 slaves were held here, before being shipped off and out of Ghana. Slaves were kept captive and tortured at Elmina Castle, which was built by the Portuguese. You can visit here with a guided tour, that will give you a better understanding of Ghana’s past history.

Manhyia Palace

Built by the British in 1925, Manhyia Palace was made to welcome back the ruler of the Asante state, after many years of banishment from the country. Rooms are still set up as they would have looked at the time, and you can book guided tours and watch a video presentation, explaining the palaces history. The small museum holds displays showing old royal objects, clothing, furniture and photographs.

Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park

This is the site of the grave of Ghana’s first President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. Situated in the downtown area of Accra, this impressive sculpture is made entirely from Italian marble. Inside, you can see items and photos from the president and information about his life story. The monument is surrounded by water and looks particularly picturesque at sunset.  

National Museum of Ghana

The National Museum has been open since 1957 and has three main display areas; art, archaeology and ethnography. The museum is located in Accra and has some interesting exhibits displaying Ghanaian culture and history.

Accra Mall

This is where you can go for all your shopping and clothing needs. Accra mall is a large shopping centre that has clothes shops, a supermarket, restaurants and a cinema.

Bojo Beach

A great day trip from the city is Bojo beach, a large scenic beach, just 5 kilometres from Accra. Getting to the beach requires hopping on to a small boat over a small patch of water. Once here, you can relax and dine at one of the beach cafes. You can also try water sports such as jet skiing!

Aburi Botanical Gardens

Set amongst 160 acres, the beautiful Aburi Botanical Gardens are defiantly worth a visit, particularly for nature lovers. Situated around a 45 minute drive out of Accra, the gardens have a cooler climate and provide a peaceful escape from the city.

There are no previous teaching experience required to be accepted into this project, however it’s worth noting that during non-sport times (eg. morning) you may be requested to assist teaching of other subjects such as English, Math, Science or Geography.

Additional Requirements

Anyone travelling to Ghana MUST have a yellow fever vaccination and must obtain a certificate as proof. You may be asked to produce this certificate at the point of entry into Ghana and can be refused entry if you don’t have one. There may be other vaccine recommendations listed that you may want/need to get before starting, so please ask your doctor before travel.

Additional Equipment

No specific equipment required for this program. If you would like to bring along some sporting supplies, this will be very welcome by the children and could also improve your coaching experience.

Ghana is a multicultural country, situated in West Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the South and 3 other countries; Togo, Burkina Faso and the Ivory Coast. Ghana’s President runs as both the head of state and head of government. The economy here is now one of the strongest in Africa, utilizing a democratic political system, which has made Ghana a powerful country on the West side of Africa.

Ghana is known for its century old and lively culture, making it an exciting place to visit. Its diverse climate and ecosystem vary from coastal savannahs to tropical jungles. Once nicknamed as the gold coast, Ghana is the second largest producer of gold in Africa and today is also the second largest maker of coffee beans in the world.

Ghana is situated just a few degrees north of the Equator, making it a warm climate, but which is still relatively mild for its location There are two main seasons, however it’s generally hot and humid year-round. Rains usually last for a short time but can occasionally rain throughout the day. Temperatures on average are around 22-30°C.

Ghana has more than 100 ethnic groups living in the county. The largest are the Akan (45%), then Moshi-Dagbani (17%) and Ewe (14%). The Ashanti tribe of Akan are the largest tribe and one of the few groups in West Africa where ancestry is traced through the mother and maternal ancestors. The Ashanti tribe are known for their handicrafts, ceramics, weaving and wood carvings.

In Ghana, the family bond is very strong, with respect for elders being most important. The entire family will share in the joys, success, loss and honour of the family unit, making a collective culture. The oldest member of the family is the most respected and will be treated with honour, as well as those who have a position in the community, wealth or other status.

30 Years Non Profit Experience

IVI is an Australian charity & non profit organisation founded in 1989 and is one of the pioneers of overseas volunteering successfully placing over 20,000 volunteers globally.

Affordable Volunteer Travel

We’re not motivated by shareholder profits.   Our fees are fully transparent to ensure maximum benefit where it is most needed. 

Safe & Responsible Projects

All projects include a dedicated 24/7 in-country management team, operational & risk assessment & overseas support contact.   All projects are personally inspected to ensure very high quality.

Work Experience & University Credits

We place thousands of Uni students and can assist you with course credits and in-field experience points.   Many of our project coordinators are qualified practitioners in their respective fields allowing unique in-field supervision and Uni accreditation options

Weekends & Extra Tours

Ready to Volunteer in Ghana?