Places in NEPAL

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Nepal Construction Review

Overall one of the best experiences of my life. I was immersed in the Nepali culture. Interacting with the locals, learning what daily life is like in Nepal. Volunteering was great! Hard work, but rewarding at the same time. Best part was spending time with the other volunteers. All like minded people, there for the experience and trying to help …

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Volunteer Story – Nepal Experience

I’ve been passionate about traveling and getting to know different cultures for more than ten years. Growing up, I realized that helping people is one of the most incredible opportunities in life. Some years ago I set a goal: I want to be a volunteer abroad. After searching about countries and organizations, I chose to be a join a program …

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Review of Stray Dog Rehabilitation – Nepal

This was by far the most valuable experience I could get and I did a few other volunteer jobs before. The people in Kathmandu and at Kat center are the best, they are doing such an amazing job and were really welcoming and appreciative of my work there. But the most fulfilling was to see the dogs change and looking …

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Nepal Dog Program Review

What did you accomplish in your program this week? Assisting staff with day to day tasks, eg walking, feeding, cleaning. Helping with promo material and admin. How was your program coordinator? Amazing, happy to answer every question well. What did you enjoy most from your experience? Experiencing different types of dogs shelters and going out in ambulance. What didn’t you …

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Review of Nepal Culture Week Intro

Here is Rosie’s review of the culture week, in preparation for her stray dog project in the beautiful Nepal! … What did you accomplish in your program this week? Getting to know more about the culture and city. Explored less touristy areas and prepared for volunteering program. How was your coordinator? Did they provide you with enough accurate information about …

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