Amazon Rainforest Conservation Peru

WHY we need you in Peru

rolling hills in peru

HOW can you help?

WHAT you can do?

Why Involvement Volunteers International?

IVI Volunteers helping to aving the amazon






  MIN AGE: 18+ (16 with guardian)



It is no secret that the greatest Rain Forest in the world which plays a vital role in the Earth’s eco system is under severe threat due to commercialism, deforestation and land acquisition from major corporations. Given the incredibly rich soil and agriculture growing opportunity, private and government enterprises are enticed by the economic opportunity of this region. With increased environmental protection, deforestation has slowed, however assistance from global volunteers is needed to ensure these efforts continue to be enforced and the damaging trends reversed.  

The Peruvian Amazon is one of the most bio diverse regions on the planet. The work you do here is vitally important on a local scale but also a macro global scale in an effort to help save the planet and combat climate change.  To help reduce the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere, planing trees and inhibiting further deforestation is vital.  

In this incredible project, global volunteers assist in various reforestation, wildlife monitoring, organic gardening, educational workshops, trail maintenance and related activities. The daily efforts are directed by local environmentalists, biologists and local professionals who have an in depth understanding of the local needs and opportunities. These projects server remote communities who have a deep connection and reliance on the forest. 

Please note that this project is in a remote area away from our institute in Cusco. Depending on the time of year, there may be no other volunteers at the project with you. You should prepare yourself for some independence and be open to new experiences in an isolated rural setting.


Jungle Conservation project sites and accommodations are located 8 to 10 hours (or longer) outside the city of Cusco. Public bus transportation to and from the project site is included at both the beginning and end of your program. Please note that this is often an overnight journey, plus a boat ride.

Project Tasks

  • The project tasks will vary depending on local needs and various factors such as Spanish language skills, expertise and ability in this field of work.  You’ll be expected to follow the directed work and tasks handed down by the on-site project managers.  
  • Reforestation work is physically demanding. Tasks include planting trees, shrubs and removing non-native species.   
  • Taking wildlife inventory of local flora and fauna
Please note…
Because Jungle Conservation sites are very rurally located, some of the comforts and  conveniences you are used to may not be available. While you have access to all the standard Local Services while in Cusco, please keep in mind that at Jungle project sites:
• Local transportation is limited and walking is the best way to get around. Taxis or water taxis into nearby towns are available if you want to buy snacks or charge electronic devices.
• There is no Wifi at Jungle projects and electricity may be very limited, if available.
• There may not be ATMs nearby. You should take the cash you need with you when  you leave Cusco – our local team can help you to budget for the duration of your stay.
• Medical services are available between 30 and 90 minutes away, depending on the project. The project staff have training in first aid and can support you.
• You should be prepared to entertain yourself in creative ways during your free time.

Food & Accommodation

While in Cusco for your orientation, you stay with a pre-approved middle class Peruvian family in a shared room. You share with 1-3 other people of the same gender. 

Your accommodation on the project will be in the conservation reserve which is communal, remote and rustic but actually quite comfortable.  Volunteers are housed in single gender dormitory style bungalows which are equipped with basic amenities such as running water, bed linen, and squat toilets.   The cold showers are invigorating and remind you that you are in the jungle baby!

Because Jungle Conservation sites are very rurally located, some of the comforts and conveniences you are used to may not be available. There will be limited to no WiFi access in this region but there is a phone in case of emergency.   The in-field coordinators will check-in with you regularly to ensure you are adapting well as this is a no frills type of experience and suitable for those who enjoy totally off the beaten path! 

Breakfast, lunch & dinner are included each day. Peruvian food is very nice! Rice, beans, and corn are popular ingredients, and fresh root vegetables like cassava, taro, and sweet potato are in most dishes.  You can also expect some fruits and vegetables, such as avocados (palta) accompanied by spicy aji salsa.

All prices in USD
  • 1 Week - $520
  • 2 Weeks - $865
  • 3 Weeks - $1125
  • 1 Month - $1370
  • 2 Months - $2390
  • 3 Months - $3390
Home Stays
What's Included
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Airport Pickup
  • Local Transportation
  • 1 Day Orientation
  • 24/7 In-Country Support
  • Project Materials & Equipment
  • Pre-departure Expert Advice
  • Preperation Tools & Checklists
  • Certificate of Completion



If you’re passionate about wildlife conservation, love the outdoors and don’t mind going totally off-grid for 2 weeks than this is a once in a life time opportunity that will stay with you for a lifetime!   This is a rustic experience with a mix of tasks but it’s also worth noting that reforestation work is quite physical so you’ll need to have a good level of fitness.

  • Accommodation
  • Breakfast & Dinner daily 
  • Arrival airport transfer (Sat/Sun arrivals)
  • Transportation to/from Cuzco to Jungle area
  • Filtered drinking water, coffee & tea
  • 1 day orientation
  • In country 24/7 support & emergency assistance
  • Fundraising support
  • University course credits (where applicable)
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Airfares
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tours, Souvenirs & spending money

You’ll receive the standard orientation on day 1 in Cuzco, and then further orientation once at the jungle lodge site.  

This orientation is designed as a 1 day overview to help ensure you are equipped with the necessary info to effectively work with the local people and community.   This may include but is not limited to;

  • Peru culture / history overview
  • Spanish language lesson
  • Customs / law’s / do’s & don’ts
  • Volunteer expectations
  • Home stay guidelines
  • Travel opportunities during free time
  • Overview of your placement
  • Notes from previous placements to help maximize impact

Volunteers should aim to arrive into Cuzco on either Saturday or Sunday to ensure they can participate in the Orientation which starts every Monday.

Complimentary Arrival Transfer

You’ll arrive at Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport (CUZ).   When clearing immigration it’s best to simply state ‘tourism’.    When you arrive you will be greeted by a member of our local team and taken to the homestay or the volunteer center for orientation.

In-Country Transportation

Volunteers generally depart Cuzco on the Monday in the afternoon as it’s a 6 hour journey to get to the Jungle Site.   After the 2 week period, the return journey is usually on the Friday night or early Saturday.    This is all included in the volunteer program fees. 

  • Breakfast at the accommodation
  • 4-8 hours of work per day (Monday to Saturday)
  • Work is generally in the morning of afternoon
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Free time to socialize / relax / explore

While on the project you will have one day free per week. due to the remote location, you may have to find creative ways to entertain yourself during this time! 

  • At least 18 years of age, or volunteering alongside a guardian.
  • Physically fit and able to do manual labor
  • Hard working with a positive mindset

Recommended additional items specific to this program:
• Cowhide work gloves
• Closed-toed, heavy-duty work boots; waterproof is preferred (do not wear sandals
in the Jungle)
• Headlamp and/or flashlight
• Camera – You will want to take some pictures!
• Free-Time Materials – books, a journal, cards, games (keep in mind electricity is
• Camping Gear (Optional)
• Portable electronics or phone charger (Optional)
Due to the sensitive jungle environment, we ask that you use only 100% biodegradable
products. If you wish, you can buy these from the instituto in Cusco for $15.

Bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia this South American country of 33 million is an incredible destination.Peru has a fascinating 5000 year old history and unique cultural heritage that exists to this day!  

With world renowned historical sites like Machu Pichu, incredible natural wonders like the Amazon rain forest, the Andes mountain range and loads of adventures such as rafting, zip-lining, paragliding and mountain biking, Peru is seriously an amazing place to visit!Don’t forget the Peruvian coastline which accounts for 10% of the whole surface of the country…Although the Incas are the most famous, there are other pre-Columbian cultures and unexplored archaeological sites which can be located in the North of Peru.   

A country of contrasts, crazy traffic, 6700 meter high cities, amazing beaches and sunsets, tropical rain forests and lamas!While the Amazon represents 60% of the Peruvian surface, it is the least densely populated region of the country. Therefore, it holds a lot of  uninhabited parts, untouched by humans and beautiful unseen areas.  With all the madness of the cities, the countryside is never far and in our opinion, here is the place where you can experience something very unique and special.   Here is where you will make a difference.

Peru has over 10,000 years of history!   It’s no surprise that Peru has an incredible wealth of culture and tradition that is one of the most varied countries in the world. 

As the 3rd largest country in South America Peru is divided into 25 regions and 11 eco-regions.  With an enormous range of landscapes, biodiversity and natural resources, you can boil this down to 3 main regions being 1) Coast, 2) Mountains 3) Jungle. 

Spanish is the official language and spoken by 85% of the population with 47 other native languages present among the various regions.  Music and dance play a vital role in Peruvian society.   Hispanic influences combine with Spanish and ancient styles to create a flair that is unique to Peru.  

Peruvian’s are proud people and very aware of the natural world and the value of the Andes, Amazon and historic civilizations in this region.  The country has overcome difficult political and economic issues.  

The people are welcoming and attentive to visitors with food and music being the central point for celebrations and of course colorful dress which is unmistakable.    Peruvian’s love football (soccer) which is the national sport and you can often see families playing together.   Most of Peru is quite religious with Catholicism very prominent.  

In Peru, personal hygiene and style are very important and people tend to dress neatly and professionally.  Be prepared to cover your shoulders and knees, and wear clothing that is not revealing or extravagant

The climate varies depending on altitude and region, but for the most part the dry season is from May to November, and the ‘green’ season from December to April.

As Cusco is 3000 meters above sea level, the average temperatures in Cusco rarely reach above 25 degrees celcius.   During the dry season expect sunny, warm days and cool nights.   It’s generally warmer during the ‘green’ season with intermittent rain and sun during the day and mild rainy nights.

30 Years Non Profit Experience

IVI is an Australian charity & non profit organisation founded in 1989 and is one of the pioneers of overseas volunteering successfully placing over 20,000 volunteers globally.

Affordable Volunteer Travel

We’re not motivated by shareholder profits.   Our fees are fully transparent to ensure maximum benefit where it is most needed. 

Safe & Responsible Projects

All projects include a dedicated 24/7 in-country management team, operational & risk assessment & overseas support contact.   All projects are personally inspected to ensure very high quality.

Work Experience & University Credits

We place thousands of Uni students and can assist you with course credits and in-field experience points.   Many of our project coordinators are qualified practitioners in their respective fields allowing unique in-field supervision and Uni accreditation options

Weekends & Extra Tours

Ready to Volunteer in Peru?