
Read IVI volunteer reviews and experiences from our past participants.  As one of the longest running volunteer travel companies, IVI has helped thousands of people from around the globe on their incredible volunteering journey! You can also have a watch of our video showing volunteers speaking about their experiences from some of our destinations. 

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My host family were incredible, so generous with everything they had. They answered my questions, talked to me, laughed with me and my two Fijian “brothers” I had for two weeks,I will never forget. I left Fiji feeling like I was a part of their family. The teaching staff were so appreciative of everything I did.
This was by far the most valuable experience. The people at Kat center are the best, they are doing such an amazing job and were really welcoming and appreciative of my work there. But the most fulfilling was to see the dogs change and looking forward to me taking them for a walk everyday.
Oh so blessed to work with a bunch of likeminded legends to complete health checks on the local Fijian people. A humbling and awakening experience with a little reminder that not all are as lucky as we are in the western world, but smile always and everything works out on Fiji time. I leave with a full heart.

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Remote Island Review – Fiji

It was such a beautiful experience. everybody on the island is so accommodating and welcomes you with open arms, it is difficult however to adjust to the different routines but so worth it! Comments

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Review of Teaching in Madagascar

The Madagascar trip was brilliant. At the school the children were really engaged learners. I found the most important thing on this trip was taking many more picture books. I hadn’t done that enough

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Nepal Construction Review

Overall one of the best experiences of my life. I was immersed in the Nepali culture. Interacting with the locals, learning what daily life is like in Nepal. Volunteering was great! Hard work, but

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Construction in Zanzibar Review

I was doing the building and constraction program in Stone Town Zanzibar. The work was in the school with carpainting, laying bricks and painting with local people. Comments on local team, food and accommodation

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Fiji Animals Review

I loved getting to know the locals and experiencing what it’s like in a shelter/clinic in Fiji. Comments on local team, food and accommodation Food was great. Great to try more traditional meals. -Paige

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Volunteering Overseas

Health Teaching in Bali Review

I enjoyed every moment of my 4 weeks volunteering in Bali. I met people from all over the world and experienced Bali a whole different way. Comments on local team, food and accommodation The

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Fiji Public Health Outreach Review

We had a great team that worked very well together and supported each other. The experiences we had were amazing. It felt like a very worthwhile project where we were making a difference. We

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Fiji Sigatoka Kindergarten Review

WOW! What an amazing experience. I travelled with one of my friends, and we volunteered together at Shepards Learning Centre for two weeks. My favourite moments were when we taught the kids new songs,

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Turtle Conservation, Indonesia Review

Everything was amazing, helping the turtles is great. Comments on local team, food and accommodation The local team are like the coolest people, the food is amazing and accommodation is nice. -Arina   View

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Volunteering Overseas

Fiji health nutrition program review

Highlights from my volunteering was visiting Tonia village, witnessing a sevusevu ceremony, performing health checks on the locals and being fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to go to a home visit. The

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island view IVI

Fiji – nutrition project review

The nutrition project in Fiji was a very eye opening experience. It allowed me to learn more about Fiji as a nation and more about the ill-fated issues that affect a majority of their

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Medical Internship, Philippines Review

In the Philippines, I was able to travel with a rural health unit to local communities administering vaccinations and giving out maintenance medications. While I was unable to do some of the tasks, there

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Animal Shelter Fiji Testimonial

The volunteering was amazing!! I really enjoyed my time in Fiji working with all the staff members at Animals Fiji, they were all amazing and made us feel so welcome. During the volunteering I

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