
Read IVI volunteer reviews and experiences from our past participants.  As one of the longest running volunteer travel companies, IVI has helped thousands of people from around the globe on their incredible volunteering journey! You can also have a watch of our video showing volunteers speaking about their experiences from some of our destinations. 

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My host family were incredible, so generous with everything they had. They answered my questions, talked to me, laughed with me and my two Fijian “brothers” I had for two weeks,I will never forget. I left Fiji feeling like I was a part of their family. The teaching staff were so appreciative of everything I did.
This was by far the most valuable experience. The people at Kat center are the best, they are doing such an amazing job and were really welcoming and appreciative of my work there. But the most fulfilling was to see the dogs change and looking forward to me taking them for a walk everyday.
Oh so blessed to work with a bunch of likeminded legends to complete health checks on the local Fijian people. A humbling and awakening experience with a little reminder that not all are as lucky as we are in the western world, but smile always and everything works out on Fiji time. I leave with a full heart.

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Nutrition Project Review – Fiji

Highlights of the trip: Travelling with Carrun and just a small group of girls who were all amazing….going around the Mamanuca Islands and working in different communities each day was really cool. Comments on

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Remote Teaching in Fiji Review

Highlights of the trip: – The highlight of the trip for me where just the children and the people. Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel included into there community immediately. I became

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A Nutrition Project Review in Vanuatu

Highlights: Visiting pele island and interacting with the community there. Seeing the local champions be so interested in nutrition and want to learn how to help their community. Experiencing the culture of vanuatu, even

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Amazon Jungle Conservation Review

A real funny and interesting immersion in the jungle (Tierra Linda) where I learnt a lot of things about reforestation. A perfect mix between work and fun!!! You can have the possibility of living

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Teaching in Peru Review

Overall it was a great time, with learning from great Spanish teachers and the mentors. Everyone was welcoming the program was organised and I was very pleased with the great I obtained in terms

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Dog Shelter in Peru Review

I loved working with the dogs. My experience was incredibly rewarding and the time I spent there felt impactful. The dogs were very receptive to any love and attention they received, and it was

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Review of Alpaca Farm in Peru!

My experience was so amazing and enriching. The staff that they have in the office was helpful and willing to answer any of my touristy questions about the city and needs as a volunteer

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Medical Project Peru: Review by Victoria

My time was such a unique and unforgettable experience. I really loved working amongst the locals and learning how the medical system differentiates with the healthcare system back in my country. There were a

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English Teaching in Bali Review

Highlights of the trip: – I met amazing other volunteers who became my friends – Teaching the kids English and make them happy with very little things Comments on the team, food and accommodation:

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Chelsea Kennedy Fiji teaching with IVI

Review of Orphanage in Nadi, Fiji

Highlights of the trip: – Meeting all the children. In particular joining them at meals times and getting to know them. – I had collected 22.5kgs of craft supplies to take over for the

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Kindergarten Review in Kenya

I had the pleasure to work in a kindergarten in Kenya. I am 21 years old and from Hamburg, Germany. The project is located in Central Kenya. It takes about one hour to get

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Kenya Teaching Project Review

It has been an amazing stay in this project. Since the first day, I felt like this is my home. The team was very friendly and helpful. I arrived on Sunday and the coordinator

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Teaching at a Kindergarten in Nepal

These past 2 weeks have been nothing but eye-opening for me. Nepal is a country based on deeply-rooted faith, tradition and welcoming attitude towards guests. Coming from a Christian society, I have been exposed

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