
Read IVI volunteer reviews and experiences from our past participants.  As one of the longest running volunteer travel companies, IVI has helped thousands of people from around the globe on their incredible volunteering journey! You can also have a watch of our video showing volunteers speaking about their experiences from some of our destinations. 

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My host family were incredible, so generous with everything they had. They answered my questions, talked to me, laughed with me and my two Fijian “brothers” I had for two weeks,I will never forget. I left Fiji feeling like I was a part of their family. The teaching staff were so appreciative of everything I did.
This was by far the most valuable experience. The people at Kat center are the best, they are doing such an amazing job and were really welcoming and appreciative of my work there. But the most fulfilling was to see the dogs change and looking forward to me taking them for a walk everyday.
Oh so blessed to work with a bunch of likeminded legends to complete health checks on the local Fijian people. A humbling and awakening experience with a little reminder that not all are as lucky as we are in the western world, but smile always and everything works out on Fiji time. I leave with a full heart.

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Kampot sunset over river

Discover Rural Cambodia…

Just seven kilometers outside of the city Kampot sits a tiny fishing village that I can only describe as one of the most peaceful and beautiful places I have ever set foot on. Before

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My Experience in Bali

About me Hello, my name is Alexandra and I’m 23 years old. I am from Germany and I finished my studies in pedagogy this year. I love to work with kids, for this reason

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Sri Lanka Review: Ella & Daniela

We came to Sri Lanka intending to do 10 weeks of temple renovation, but after we arrived ended up doing 6 weeks of special needs, 2 weeks of temple renovation and hill country. That’s

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Teaching in Kenya!

A full week has passed since I came back to Spain after spending six weeks in a community program in the Gatanga area in rural Kenya. I did my work in the Kirwara Primary

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group outside the Taj Mahal

Experience of India 28 Day Road Trip

It is always with much apprehension we welcome our travellers to the most interesting program, India Road Trip. We have our reasons, justified ☺ As you step into the capital of this incredible country,

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young kids eating on floor

A Walk with a Local: Rural Kenya

If you walk opposite from the seashore at Diani Beach, you will stumble across sets of tiny villages that are home to this rather unheard of a tribe – the Digo people. I’m a

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Lily- vanuatu volunteer

Vanuatu Review of Primary Teaching

I had an amazing time in Vanuatu with IVI. The coordinators were absolutely lovely and were so friendly, welcoming and helpful during my stay. I felt right at home. However, the highlight of my

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Bali Nutrition Review by Inga

Highlights of the trip: A Highlight of my trip was that I met so many amazing people from all over the world. I really appreciated that I could switch between projects very easy so

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Fiji animal shelter volunteer

Fiji Animal Shelter Review

Highlights of the trip: My trip to Fiji was, of course, an unforgettable experience. I enjoyed working at the animal shelter, and being able to use my experience in veterinary to help the shelter.

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