
Read IVI volunteer reviews and experiences from our past participants.  As one of the longest running volunteer travel companies, IVI has helped thousands of people from around the globe on their incredible volunteering journey! You can also have a watch of our video showing volunteers speaking about their experiences from some of our destinations. 

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My host family were incredible, so generous with everything they had. They answered my questions, talked to me, laughed with me and my two Fijian “brothers” I had for two weeks,I will never forget. I left Fiji feeling like I was a part of their family. The teaching staff were so appreciative of everything I did.
This was by far the most valuable experience. The people at Kat center are the best, they are doing such an amazing job and were really welcoming and appreciative of my work there. But the most fulfilling was to see the dogs change and looking forward to me taking them for a walk everyday.
Oh so blessed to work with a bunch of likeminded legends to complete health checks on the local Fijian people. A humbling and awakening experience with a little reminder that not all are as lucky as we are in the western world, but smile always and everything works out on Fiji time. I leave with a full heart.

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stephanie doing health check in fiji

Nutrition & Public Health 2019 Fiji

Oh so blessed to work with a bunch of likeminded legends to complete health checks on the local Fijian people over the past two weeks Involvement Volunteers International Our first week was spent in

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school kids getting good gr

Healthcare Bali Education Review

Highlights of the trip: Not only teaching but also getting to know the children during break time. Talking to them, singing Ed Sheeran with them and laughing although we barely understand each other’s language.

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bali volunteer healthcare ubud

Nutrition Education Bali Review

Highlights of the trip: It was an amazing experience. First I was very happy to see that we were a big team of volunteers. I was very surprised and excited when I knew I was going to teach

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Stray dog rehabilitation volunteering IVI nepal

Stray Dog Rehab Program Kathmandu

Highlights: – meeting other volunteers and making life long friends – seeing how appreciative the children were to have volunteers teach them English – the coordinators made me feel so welcomed – the food

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Community Construction Nepal 2018

Highlights of the trip: It was my first time in nepal and i really enjoyed being amongst mountains, experiencing a little of the local culture and making new friends from around the world. Comments

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Nepal Kindergarten Review

Hi Lauren,   Highlights of the trip:   – culture of the country – teaching in low socio economic status – greetings from the children and staff   Comments on the team, food and

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Feedback Primary School Teaching Suva

Hi Lauren! The past weeks have been so different to everything I’ve ever experienced. It has been so eye-opening and inspiring, suuper intense and at times very challenging (in a good way) My students really

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Nutrition & Health Teaching Bali!

Highlights of the trip: My highlights included the adventure week package there were so many new places that we visited and created many memories from. The week was full of a wide range of

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IVI volunteer by waterfall in Fiji

Fiji Kindergarten Teaching in Suva

Highlights of the trip: Meeting the other volunteers and going out with them. It was insanely fun staying in a house with other people and hanging out with the other volunteers on my free

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Experiencing Bodhgaya, India

✨Each of us are on this hard journey called life✨. Let’s not beat around the bush, our journey’s can be extremely challenging in every way, but it can be so much harder for others ? #begrateful.

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IVI volunteer Maria- India project

Rural Teaching in India Review

Below is some feedback from my recent stay with the Bodhi Tree Educational Project Highlights of the trip: – Learning about the project and seeing first hand the good work it’s doing for its

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