
Read IVI volunteer reviews and experiences from our past participants.  As one of the longest running volunteer travel companies, IVI has helped thousands of people from around the globe on their incredible volunteering journey! You can also have a watch of our video showing volunteers speaking about their experiences from some of our destinations. 

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My host family were incredible, so generous with everything they had. They answered my questions, talked to me, laughed with me and my two Fijian “brothers” I had for two weeks,I will never forget. I left Fiji feeling like I was a part of their family. The teaching staff were so appreciative of everything I did.
This was by far the most valuable experience. The people at Kat center are the best, they are doing such an amazing job and were really welcoming and appreciative of my work there. But the most fulfilling was to see the dogs change and looking forward to me taking them for a walk everyday.
Oh so blessed to work with a bunch of likeminded legends to complete health checks on the local Fijian people. A humbling and awakening experience with a little reminder that not all are as lucky as we are in the western world, but smile always and everything works out on Fiji time. I leave with a full heart.

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Zac Duretto Cambodia volunteer

Rural Cambodia Teaching- Review by Zac

Highlights The biggest highlight was easily the teaching itself. The children are so happy and enthusiastic, making it an absolute pleasure to teach them. The cultural week had some interesting activities and seeing other

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Laura Quickfall- Nepal IVI volunteer

Nepal Women Empowerment Review

Highlights of the trip: I would say the highlight was just meeting and working with the women I was teaching English to. Comments on the team, food and accommodation: Team, food and accommodation was

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IVI volunteer Ikram

English Teaching in Bali- Review

Highlights of the trip: • Meeting different people from all over the world in the volunteer house and getting a long becoming very close. • Teaching the classes everyday, coming up with different ideas

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English Teaching Thailand

Hello Lauren I’ve sent a few pics. Just the tip of the iceberg really. I have so many more. I just wanted to say a BIG thank you. I am leaving Thailand soon, and

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Feedback on Thailand Volunteering

Highlights of the trip: Being able to ride the bikes through to village to work each day, the flexibility of free time opportunities and the great opportunity to be able to help out through

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children smiling on beach in fiji remote island

Fiji Island Teaching Testimony

Hi Lauren, Apologies for the delayed response, returning to the chaos of work has made me realise how relaxed my holiday actually was. I have attached some photos of the kids, some of the

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Cambodia Review

Thank you Lauren, I had the best time!! definitely a trip that touched my heart. Do you have Instagram? That’s where I posted my pictures, I captured some of  the best moments! Highlights of

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primary school kids

Bali health education

Hello Lauren, Thank you for the amazing program! The experience in Bali was one of the most amazing adventures I’ve lived in my life. Highlights of the trip: The introduction week was really helpful

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Thailand volunteering feedback

  Some of the many highlights for me was partaking in the english camp which was a 2 day camp with5 different schools all participating. The kids and all the teachers and especially Kate

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